WOOLWORTHS / Australia's Fresh Food Icons
To mark the rebirth of Woolworths as Australia’s Fresh Food People, we would refresh all of the giant food icons around Australia. The big banana, the big pineapple, the big prawn etc…all of the big statues in all of the little towns that represent the specific produce of their area. Together with local communities we’d restore them, give them a lick of fresh paint and bring them back to their former glory, all while celebrating the contribution each town makes to Australia’s fresh food supply. This nation-wide ‘refresh’ would demonstrate why Woolworths are Australia’s fresh food leaders.

WHITE WINGS / Chunkies Teaser & Launch Campaign
An integrated product launch campaign for White Wings, Australia’s go-to brand for baking products. Part of the brief was to change consumers "granny" perception of the brand. Therefore the client planned to roll out a whole new range of products to attract a younger audience. We suggested the tagline "deliciously different" to go with the brand's intended future innovations.
(The Click-Through Client Presentation)