WOOLWORTHS / Shop Online
Ordering your groceries with Woolworths online is a great way to save a significant amount of time, but a lot of people can't get past the worry that they won't get what they want and it'll end up being more hassle than it's worth. So we created an ad where we demonstrated to somebody who was enjoying time for themself, exactly how carefully their order is filled.
WOOLWORTHS / Christmas 2013 Retail Campaign
This Christmas Woolworths started a partnership with Jamie Oliver. On TV the world famous chef cooked up Aussie specialities in an exuberant and warm TV spot. In store and right across all of Woolworths print and digital communications Jamie's personality was brought to life with a Xmas scrapbook design that reflected his values of inexpensive solutions and infectious enthusiasm.
Point of Sale

WOOLWORTHS / Australia Day 2013
Australia Day is a great occasion for Woolworths to boast about its extremely high ratio of Australian grown and raised produce. The Summer's on the Barbie campaign turned this into a generic summer-long message and pointed out that everything on your barbie could be Australian with Woolworths.

Activation Idea: The Geat Aussie Sausage
As an Australia Day digital extension idea that brings families together, we launched a Facebook-based competition to find the next great Aussie snag in the lead up to Australia Day, inviting customers to create their own sausage recipe, and vote online for their ‘ultimate sausage.’ Our designer and I created the game design and illustration together from scratch in one night due to budget restraints and tight timing.
As an Australia Day digital extension idea that brings families together, we launched a Facebook-based competition to find the next great Aussie snag in the lead up to Australia Day, inviting customers to create their own sausage recipe, and vote online for their ‘ultimate sausage.’ Our designer and I created the game design and illustration together from scratch in one night due to budget restraints and tight timing.

Facebook ads linked to the online game and announced the final winner.

The News Coverage
The competition and Facebook app were well received, even gaining TV coverage on Channel 9's A Current Affair.
WOOLWORTHS / Earn & Learn 2013
Earn & Learn is a successful program that school children and their teachers and parents look forward to year after year.
The ambassador for 2013 was Jessica Mauboy, a recording star that children admire. Discovering that she once aspired to be a teacher herself, we took her back to her primary school in Darwin to reunite her with her old teachers and let her meet the pupils of today. Jessica’s involvement extended into a regular mentoring role on The Voice, a Woolworths-sponsored TV show, and ultimately to surprise concert performances at participating schools.
2013 turned out to be the biggest year ever for Earn & Learn, with 19% more schools taking part and over 650,000 pieces of learning equipment being given away. This success can only be reached through more sales at the register.
WOOLWORTHS / Christmas 2012 Retail Campaign
In their first year as ‘Australia’s Fresh Food People’, Woolworths wanted to inspire people to new creative heights at Christmas by exploring how Australians use fresh food to celebrate the season. A trio of TV ads, extended the idea of Fresh Food People to customers too. Each ad introduced us to a passionate Australian and showed us how a particular food makes their Christmas.
A suite of Christmas decorations fashioned from fresh food was used throughout the print communication:

Online a filter form website made the exploration of our many Christmas ideas an easy and inspiring experience, while outdoor posters directed customers to the website.
On selected urban sites large murals were put up showing our Christmas characters enjoying a large Christmas feast. Each item of food on the table was accompanied by a QR code that gave passersby recipes, ideas and additional content relating to the dish. It also enabled people to add the ingredients to their shopping list and purchase them immediately.

Point of Sale

WOOLWORTHS / Select (In-house brand)
For Woolworths and their store brand 'Select' we created a range of print ads stressing the importance of consumer testing in the development process of the different products.